Nomination of Tour Operators for participation at virtual PATA Travel Mart to be held from 23rd – 27th September, 2020.
To, All Members (Recognised by Ministry of Tourism, Government of India) Sub: Nomination of Tour Operators for participation at virtual PATA Travel Mart to be held from 23rd – 27th September, 2020. Placed below please find email received from India Tourism Singapore regarding their participation in virtual PATA Travel Mart to be held from 23rd – 27th September, 2020. IATO has been requested to nominate two (02) tour operators for participation in the Mart. Members who are interested to attend the Virtual PATA Travel Mart and are recognised by Ministry of Tourism, Government of India, may send their expression of interest on email id and by 4 pm on 17th August 2020 as per the following format:- Name of the company Name of the contact person Address Telephone/Mobile Number Email id Recognized by the Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India (Yes or No) Please note the follow...