
Showing posts from December, 2020

IATO Joins WTTC Safe Travel Stamp -24th December 2020

To All Members, Dear Members, Sub: IATO Joins WTTC Safe Travel Stamp As you are aware, WTTC along with other industry associations are working together to achieve effective recovery protocols by developing meaningful action plans that optimize sector-wise recovery efforts. WTTC is granting Safe Travel Stamp to the associations and travel and tourism organizations that are following safe travel global protocols. To know more, please visit the following link:- WTTC_Safe_Travels_Stamp_Guide (1).pdf You will be pleased to know that at our request, IATO has been granted the WTTC Safe Travels Stamp along with other international associations recently. You may visit the following link to see the list of all the associations that have been granted Safe Travel Stamp by WTTC. Placed below 03 PDF files is attached for your ease & reference . IATO Global Protocols for the new normal for Travel Trade. Safe Travel_Terms & Conditio...

MDA Revised Guidelines for Promotion of Domestic Tourism - 9th December 2020

To All Members Sub: MDA Revised Guidelines for Promotion of Domestic Tourism Attached please find Revised MDA Guidelines for promotion of domestic  tourism as received from the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India  yesterday. ( Attached )  These revised guidelines have come into  force with immediate  effect. With regards, Rahul Chakravarty COO